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An interior design concept is the foundational idea or theme that guides the overall design of a space. It serves as a unifying element that ties together various design elements, creating a cohesive and harmonious look and feel. The concept is derived from the client's needs, preferences, and the unique characteristics of the space, and it influences every decision made during the design process.



List of Interior Design Concept *Focus by Designlab Projects


Minimalist Concept

Minimalist interior design is a design approach that embraces simplicity, functionality, and a focus on essential elements. It is characterized by clean lines, a limited color palette, uncluttered spaces, and an emphasis on the beauty of fundamental forms. The goal of minimalist design is to create serene, open, and visually calming interiors by eliminating unnecessary elements and decorations.


1. Simplicity:

  • Minimalist interiors prioritize simplicity in design, with a focus on essential elements. Unnecessary ornamentation and excessive decoration are avoided.

2. Clean Lines:

  • Straight, clean lines define minimalist design. Furniture, architectural elements, and decor often feature geometric shapes with crisp, well-defined edges.

3. Neutral Color Palette:

  • A neutral color palette dominates minimalist interiors, typically consisting of whites, grays, and earth tones. This neutral backdrop creates a sense of tranquility and allows key design elements to stand out.

4. Limited Furniture:

  • Furniture is chosen for its functionality and often follows a less-is-more approach. Each piece serves a purpose, and there is a preference for open space over crowded arrangements.

5. Functional Design:

  • Minimalist design prioritizes function over form. Furniture and decor items are chosen for their utility, and unnecessary features are eliminated.

6. Decluttered Spaces:

  • Clutter is minimized to maintain an open and uncluttered look. Storage solutions are often integrated into the design to hide away items that might contribute to visual busyness.

7. Natural Light:

  • Natural light is a crucial element in minimalist design. Large windows and open spaces maximize the influx of natural light, contributing to the overall brightness and airiness of the interior.

8. Quality Over Quantity:

  • Minimalist interiors often feature high-quality materials and craftsmanship. The emphasis is on selecting a few well-made, durable pieces rather than filling the space with numerous items.

9. Empty Spaces:

  • Negative space, or empty space, is considered an important element in minimalist design. It helps create balance and allows the eye to focus on the essential elements within the space.


In summary, minimalist interior design is about creating a serene and uncluttered living space by focusing on simplicity, functionality, and a reduction of unnecessary elements. It's a style that values quality over quantity and emphasizes the beauty of essential forms.


Japandi Concept

Japandi is a design style that emerged from the fusion of Japanese minimalism and Scandinavian design principles. It combines the simplicity and functionality of Scandinavian design with the timeless elegance and traditional elements of Japanese aesthetics. The term "Japandi" is a portmanteau of "Japanese" and "Scandi."


1. Simplicity:

  • Like both Japanese and Scandinavian design, Japandi places a strong emphasis on simplicity. Clean lines, uncluttered spaces, and a minimalist approach to design are fundamental to this style.

2. Natural Materials:

  • Both Japanese and Scandinavian design appreciate the use of natural materials. Japandi often incorporates wood, stone, and other natural materials to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. The wood used in Japandi design can range from light to dark tones, adding depth and contrast.

3. Neutral Color Palette:

  • Japandi interiors typically feature a neutral color palette with a focus on light, muted tones. White, beige, gray, and soft earthy colors are commonly used to create a calm and cohesive look.

4. Functional Furniture:

  • Furniture in Japandi style is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. It often features clean lines, simple shapes, and a focus on practicality. Multi-functional furniture is also common in Japandi interiors.

5. Hygge Elements:

  • Inspired by the Scandinavian concept of hygge, Japandi design incorporates elements that promote coziness and comfort. Soft textiles, such as wool or cotton throws and cushions, contribute to a warm and inviting atmosphere.

6. Wabi-Sabi Aesthetics:

  • Japandi design embraces the Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi, which appreciates imperfection, transience, and the beauty of natural aging. This might include handmade or imperfect ceramics, slightly weathered furniture, or worn textiles.

7. Minimalistic Decor:

  • Decor in Japandi interiors is kept to a minimum. When there are decorative elements, they are often thoughtfully chosen and placed to enhance the overall aesthetic without creating clutter.

8. Open Spaces:

  • Japandi design often incorporates open spaces and a sense of airiness. This can be achieved through open floor plans, strategic furniture placement, and the use of light colors.

9. Plants and Greenery:

  • Bringing elements of nature indoors is a common feature in Japandi interiors. Indoor plants and greenery add life, freshness, and a connection to the outdoors.

10. Cultural Influences:

  • Japandi interiors may include subtle nods to both Japanese and Scandinavian cultures. This could be through traditional Japanese motifs, Scandinavian craftsmanship, or cultural artifacts.

11. Craftsmanship:

  • Both Japanese and Scandinavian design traditions value craftsmanship. In Japandi interiors, you may find handmade items, artisanal craftsmanship, and a focus on quality over quantity.


Japandi design is a harmonious blend of two distinct styles, creating a balanced and timeless aesthetic that combines the best of both Japanese and Scandinavian design philosophies


Modern Concept

The modern concept in interior design refers to a design style that emerged in the early to mid-20th century and is still popular today. Modern interior design is characterized by a focus on clean lines, simplicity, and functionality. It often incorporates new and innovative materials and technologies while emphasizing an open and uncluttered space. 


1. Clean Lines:

  • Modern design is known for its clean and straight lines. Furniture, architecture, and other elements in the space often have simple, geometric shapes, contributing to a streamlined and uncluttered appearance.

2. Open Spaces:

  • Modern interiors often feature open floor plans that create a sense of spaciousness and connectivity between different areas of the home. This openness allows for a free flow of light and air.

3. Neutral Color Palette:

  • A neutral color palette is a common characteristic of modern design. Whites, grays, and beige are often used as dominant colors, with bold accents or pops of color introduced through artwork, furniture, or accessories.

4. Functional Furniture:

  • Modern furniture is designed with functionality in mind. Pieces often serve multiple purposes, and there is a focus on practicality without sacrificing aesthetics. Modular and flexible furniture is also common.

5. Innovative Materials:

  • Modern design embraces new materials and technologies. Materials such as glass, steel, and concrete are frequently used, and there is a willingness to experiment with innovative materials to achieve a sleek and contemporary look.

6. Large Windows:

  • Maximizing natural light is a key element of modern design. Large windows and open spaces allow ample daylight to flood the interiors, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere.

7. Minimalism:

  • While not as minimalistic as some other design styles, modern interiors often incorporate minimalist principles. Unnecessary ornamentation is avoided, and there's a focus on the essentials to create a clean and sophisticated look.

8. Geometric Patterns:

  • Modern design often incorporates geometric patterns in both architecture and decor. This can be seen in the form of geometrically shaped furniture, patterns on rugs or textiles, and even in architectural details.

9. Contrast:

  • Modern interiors often use contrast to add visual interest. This can include contrasts in color, texture, or materials. Bold contrasts create a dynamic and visually appealing environment.

10. Technology Integration:

  • Modern design embraces the integration of technology into the home. This may include smart home features, built-in audiovisual systems, and other technological innovations that enhance the functionality and convenience of the space.

11. Artistic Expression:

  • While modern design values functionality, it also allows for artistic expression. Modern interiors may showcase abstract art, sculptures, or other artistic elements that contribute to the overall aesthetic.


The modern concept in interior design is characterized by a focus on clean lines, open spaces, functionality, and the integration of innovative materials and technologies. It creates a sleek and contemporary atmosphere while allowing for individual expression and comfort.


Industrial Design Concept

The industrial interior design concept draws inspiration from the aesthetic characteristics of industrial spaces, such as factories, warehouses, and manufacturing facilities. This style has gained popularity for its unique blend of raw, utilitarian elements and urban chic. 


1. Exposed Structural Elements:

  • Industrial interiors often showcase exposed structural elements, such as steel beams, ductwork, and pipes. Rather than concealing these components, they become part of the overall design, adding an authentic and raw aesthetic.

2. Raw and Unfinished Materials:

  • Industrial design embraces raw and unfinished materials, such as exposed brick walls, concrete floors, and weathered wood. These materials contribute to an industrial, utilitarian atmosphere.

3. Open Spaces:

  • Industrial interiors typically feature open floor plans with large, expansive spaces. This creates a sense of airiness and spaciousness, resembling the openness of industrial warehouses.

4. Utilitarian Furniture:

  • Furniture in industrial design is often characterized by simplicity and functionality. Metal and reclaimed wood are common materials for furniture pieces, and the design often prioritizes practicality over ornate details.

5.Neutral Color Palette:

  • The color palette in industrial interiors is usually neutral, with a focus on earthy tones and muted colors. Shades of gray, brown, black, and white dominate the color scheme, creating a cohesive and understated look.

7. Large Windows:

  • Industrial spaces often incorporate large windows to allow ample natural light to enter. This not only contributes to the open and airy feel but also emphasizes the connection between the interior and the surrounding urban or industrial landscape.

8. Industrial Lighting:

  • Lighting plays a crucial role in industrial design. Fixtures with an industrial aesthetic, such as exposed bulbs, pendant lights, and metal fixtures, are commonly used to enhance the overall industrial atmosphere.

9. Vintage and Salvaged Items:

  • Industrial interiors often feature vintage or salvaged items that add character and history to the space. This could include repurposed factory equipment, antique signage, or other industrial artifacts.

10. Minimalist Decor:

  • Industrial design tends to favor a minimalist approach to decor. Instead of overcrowding the space with accessories, the focus is on a few carefully selected and meaningful items that complement the industrial aesthetic.

11. Artistic Expression:

  • Industrial interiors provide opportunities for artistic expression through unique and unconventional elements. Artwork, sculptures, and other creative installations can be incorporated to add a touch of personality to the space.

12. Functional Design:

  • Functionality is a key principle in industrial design. Furniture and decor items serve a purpose, and there's often an emphasis on practicality and efficiency in the layout and organization of the space.

13. Urban Influence:

  • Industrial design often draws inspiration from urban environments, reflecting the influence of cityscapes and the repurposing of old industrial buildings into trendy living spaces.


Industrial design is more about the design of products, industrial elements in interior design refer to incorporating certain styles or items inspired by industrial design into the interior spaces to achieve a specific look or atmosphere.

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